Public Art Perspective

Bicentennial Square in Concord, NH 
We had the opportunity to redesign this hidden gem in the center of Concord NH, originally developed to revitalize downtown. This community input involved several questionnaires, interviews, public input, City meetings, and concept designs that culminated in the restoration of this 30 year old space for the people. One of the goals was to put the history back into Bicentennial Square, and to transform it into a more user friendly space. 
The history trail is a relief of the Merrimack River, winding through the space, with tiles depicting historic events from 1776 to present day (art designed by Concord School children). Children love to run up and down the “river” path. Sculptural boulder settings are reminiscent of glacial deposits that separate pedestrian and vehicular traffic, provides seating, and promotes spaces for human interaction. 
“The Making of a Hipper Square” – The Concord Insider-2006 (View Article)